Doing a great job when mixing and mastering a track can make a world of difference. It can make it go from OK to amazing.
In this article we’ll run you through 20 Important mixing and mastering tips and tricks to make your mixing and mastering awesome. First, we talk about sound sources, then about mixing and lastly we treat mastering.
What you listen on matters.

Before we start talking about the actual mixing and mastering, you need to make sure that you have quality sound sources you can listen on. I’m talking about the full 20 – 20, more specifically the frequency range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. This is also known as the full frequency spectrum that we humans can hear. You want to be able to hear everything, those highs you boost, and definitely the heavy lows. After all, you don’t want to be painting in the dark. Yes, those amazing Genelecs, Yamaha’s and Mackies monitors are very expensive, but fortunately there are many headphones available that offer the full frequency range that “just” cost a few hundred bucks.